Sunday, February 22, 2009


Activity #1

Instant Volcano

Words to discuss:

volcano, chemical reaction, carbon dioxide, gas, vinegar, baking soda, erupt, combine, mix, build, play, make believe, dormant, quiet, lava


soup cans
baking soda
food coloring (red)
soil or leaves
clay (to be used to build a mound around the volcano)


1. Place the can on the ground outside or on a paper plate or tray, if inside.
2. Have children build a mound around the can using soil, sand, leaves, clay, or paper to create their own image of a small mountain.
3. Fill the can 1/2 to 3/4 full with vinegar. Add a few drops of red food coloring, then a spoonful of baking soda.
4. Watch the lava flow down the sides of the volcano as the chemical reaction between the acid and the baking soda occurs.
5. Repeat as long as the vinegar, baking soda, and interest remains.

Activity #2

Why is the Sea Salty?

The student will be able to explain why the sea is salty.


Rock salt
Oceans, Instructional Fair, Inc., Grand Rapids, MI


1. Students pour water over the rock salt which is contained in a strainer. The water plus dissolved salt will be collected in a plastic cup. Students will taste the water sample.
2. Students will allow the water to evaporate, observing that the salt remains.
3. The above procedure is repeated over a 3 or 4 day period. The students will observe that the salt increases each time new water is added.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Orsolya! Great volcano experiment! Volcanoes seem to be as much a staple in early childhood science as animal identification is!!! I thought you might find this version of an oxygen bubble eruption interesting: Totally fun and safe for young scientists!! Enjoy!!
