Saturday, February 21, 2009

Anja's Science Activities


1.) Print out a picture of the parts of the tongue where you experience different taste sensations. Have the children dip their finger into either a salty, sweet, sour or bitter food or flavor and touch it to the corresponding part of the tongue. What happens when they touch that flavor to another part of the tongue? 

2.) Have children draw a self-portrait. Discuss with them the names of the different parts of their body. Discuss with the class how humans are similar and different. 


1.) Listen to Animal Action 1 and 2 off of the Greg and Steve C.D. Encourage children to act out the different animals they sing about. 

2.) If your school allows, have a class pet that the children can take care of. Have discussions about the differences and similarities of taking care of an animal vs. a person.


1.) Have children decorate a face on the side of a small styrofoam cup. Help them plant grass seeds in the cup and as they grow they will be hair on their "cup person". 

2.) Have multiple live plants of different sizes and shapes in your classroom. Have one of your classroom jobs be the plant waterer so children have an active part in keeping the classroom environment beautiful. 


1.) Have a discussion at the beginning of the year about the importance of recycling. Our school has recycling bins in the hallway, if yours does as well, have a classroom job be the recycling helper. This child would take collected garbage that can be recycled from the classroom to the recycle bins.

2.) Encourage families from the start of the year to bring in materials from home that they would otherwise throw away for art. Things such as toilet paper rolls, baby food jars, yogurt containers and shoe boxes can be put in an open ended art area for children to create things with. 


1.) Go to and print out directions on how to make paper airplanes. Have the children make their own and fly both indoors and outdoors. After observing, attach a paperclip to their planes and fly them again. Have them observe the difference. 

2.) Rub a balloon on each child's head and let others observe what happens to their hair. Take a picture and record their observations for their portfolio if your school does them. 


1.) Mix corn starch with water with the children. Watch and listen as they feel the consistency of the mixture. What happens if you put too little water or too much?

2.)Cooking with children offers a number of different math and science experiences, one of them being chemistry. Talk with them about the changes from dry to wet and liquid to solid (like baking a cake. 


1.) Go on a rock hunt with the children around the school. Bring back the rocks they find and talk about the similarities and differences.

2.)Hide small plastic dinosaurs in plaster of paris (use a cupcake tin). When dry, hide the "eggs" in the sandbox on the playground. Have children hunt for the eggs. When all are found, bring them into the classroom and put in the media table for the children to chip open with safe instruments to find the baby dinosaurs.


1.) Print out pictures of different types of clouds, ie: nimbo-stratus, cumulus, stratus, cirrus, etc and make a poster to keep in the classroom near a window. On days where the weather permits, bring the children outside and try to identify the clouds in the sky. Use the poster if necessary. 

2.) Have a classroom job be meteorologist. Have the meteorologist not only comment on sunny, cloudy or rain/snow but also on the temperature. 


1.) This activity is done at home with the children's families. Make copies of a chart that has 28 boxes big enough for the children to draw in. Find out when there is a full moon, as this will be day one of the activity. Encourage parents to take their children out each night or at least once every three nights to observe the moon and draw what it looks like. Have the children bring their charts back after 28 days and talk about what they noticed. 

2.) You will need:

Styrofoam Balls
cheap plain c.d's 

Cut the styrofoam balls in half and have the children paint each side. 

When dry, glue each side to the top and bottom of the c.d. to make your planet.

These look great when they are all hung together in the classroom. 

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